Concierge Medicine For You

Dr. Schulke enjoys the opportunity to treat healthy patients, as well as those with chronic diseases, not just with medications, but with lifestyle changes that fundamentally improve the disease. This includes a focus on prevention and wellness. This is best accomplished through concierge medicine.

Thorough Physical Exam 

Dr. Schulke will provide a comprehensive wellness evaluation annually, and assess all your medical needs.

Accessible Doctor-Patient Communication

Direct Doctor-Patient communication during and after office hours.

Direct Communication with Your Providers

Dr. Schulke will ensure that our office will communicate effectively with your Hospital, or with other medical providers.

Phone Consultation when Appropriate

Phone Consults can be scheduled when appropriate to address your healthcare needs.

Diet/Nutritional Counseling

Diet and Nutritional counseling are included as part of your concierge benefits.

Electronic Prescribing

Manage your prescriptions online through Electronic Prescribing.

Healthcare Management

We will work hard to help track appointments, labs, and tests; collecting records from specialists, hospital visits, labs, and imaging. We want everything coordinated so that continuity of care is maintained.

Exercise Counseling

Exercise Counseling includes a physical conditioning assessment, creation of an exercise plan.

Comprehensive Appointment Times 

30-60 minute Appointment Times to ensure all your concerns are attended to.

Strong Focus on Long Term Health & Wellness

Dr. Schulke will provide a strong focus on customized education and prevention, not just treat you when you’re ill. He will work hard to be the healthcare provider who knows you best.

Eating Disorder Treatment Option

There is a membership option for patients who want to focus on Dr. Schulke’s experience and expertice with eating disorders.