Pillars of Health 2 :Different Diets-SAD

SAD stands for Standard American Diet. This is not a dietary recommendation as much as it is an observation of what most Americans eat, which includes high amounts of fats, including trans fats, high salt, lots of processed foods, added sugars, high calories, and not a lot of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans. The processed foods eaten are typically in the form of ultra processed foods (UPF’s), which generally have more calories and fewer essential nutrients. This diet is largely responsible for the increase in heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure that we see in our nation. Aside from providing energy, this way of eating doesn’t give much that is good for us.


Pillars of Health 2 :Different Diets-Plants, Plants, and More Plants


Pillars of Health 2 :General Types of Diets