Simplify Your Holiday

Third, practice wise time management.  We are given 24 hours each day, no more, no less.  While we’ve all heard the aphorism “time is money”, and we all know we can bank (and grow) our money, our time cannot be banked, and does not grow.  The more we try to fit into our 24 hours, the more stress we build.  While we often find reasons to justify not exercising, giving up an hour or two of sleep, skipping a meal, etc, to squeeze out “more” time, we’re actually just trading one thing for another.  Wisely consider what must be done with your day, what could be done another day, and what would be nice if it could be done but need not be done.  This will simplify your holidays, reduce your distractions, and decrease your stress, making your holiday more holiday-ish.


Let Your Attitude Be Gratitude


Get Your Sleep