New Year’s Resolutions: Part 1

We’re in a new year now, 2024.  Many people make New Year’s resolutions, and of those about 50% are about getting in better shape.  For anyone reading this who has resolved to start exercising, and you’re not sure what to do, let me suggest that you consider walking a 5K race.  Walking is a great form of exercise, and something most of us can do.  It’s also a great starting place for people who are just beginning to exercise.  You can start by walking 20 minutes, 3-4 days a week, and every week add 10 minutes until you get to 1 hour of walking 3-4 days a week.  In that one hour, you’ll be walking a 5K! Read tomorrow’s blog entry on more details to this fun challenge, and where you can sign up for local 5K this year.

Remember: before starting an exercise program, talk with your doctor first.


New Year’s Resolutions: Part 2


Exercise: To Sum It All Up